Truth Restored

Truth Restored

With dignity

1. Joseph Smith when humbly praying saw the Father and the Son,

As They are in all Their glory, brighter than the noonday sun.

Give Them glory, give Them honor for the truths restored through prayer.

God above shall beam His light into your heart these truths to share.

2. Joseph then was called by God to bring to light His holy word;

In the Book of Mormon we will find God’s precious truth restored.

Read it daily, seek and ponder, and lift up your soul in prayer.

God above shall beam His light into your heart its truth to share.

Words: Alan L. Jones Jr., b. 1931. © 2004 IRI

Music: Ludwig van Beethoven, 1770–1827

This song may be copied for incidental, noncommercial church or home use.
