Close as a Quiet Prayer

Close as a Quiet Prayer


1. Moment by moment, by night or by day,

My Heavenly Father is not far away.

And He will be near when I whisper His name.

He is close as a quiet prayer,

Close as a quiet prayer.

2. When I am thankful for blessings He sends,

He smiles as I offer my praises to Him.

And when I’m alone and in need of a friend,

He is close as a quiet prayer

Close as a quiet prayer.

I can pray to my Father above anytime, anywhere.

When I call, He will always be

Close as a quiet prayer.

3. Whether I’m kneeling to seek Him in words,

Or silently praying, my heart will be heard.

His love will enfold me; His promise is sure.

He is close as a quiet prayer,

Close as a quiet prayer.

Words and music by Sally DeFord

© 2019 by Sally DeFord. All rights reserved. This song may be copied for incidental, noncommercial church or home use. This notice must appear on each copy made.
