With Priesthood Power

With Priesthood Power


1. And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light.

The sun and glittering stars and moon shone bright.

With priesthood power He made the earth and sea.

And with His power, He blesses you and me.

The God who created the universe and ev’ry tiny flow’r

Delights to bless me lovingly through sacred priesthood pow’r.

2. Our savior raised a young maiden from the dead.

He spoke, and thousands of hungry souls were fed.

With preisthood power, He made the blind man see.

And with His power, He blesses you and me.

The God who created the universe and ev’ry tiny flow’r

Delights to bless me lovingly through sacred priesthood pow’r.

3. God shares His power with us in latter days

To guide, to lift, and to heal in wondrous ways.

Each priesthood ordinance helps me clearly see

That with His power, He blesses you and me.

The God who created the universe and ev’ry tiny flow’r

Delights to bless me lovingly through sacred priesthood pow’r.

Words by Marvin K. Gardner

Music by Vanja Y. Watkins

© 2018 by Vanja Y. Watkins and Marvin K. Gardner. All rights reserved.

This song may be copied for incidental, noncommercial church and home use.

This notice must be included on each copy made.
