The Way to Bethlehem

The Way to Bethlehem


1. Shepherds, shepherds, leave your lambs

And find the way to Bethlehem,

For the Baby sleeping there

Is your Savior good and fair.

Stars and angels shine His light.

Find the way to Bethlehem tonight.

2. Wise Men, look up to the sky

For one bright star to travel by.

Bring your gold and precious things.

Kneel before the King of kings.

Stars and angels shine His light.

Find the way to Bethlehem tonight.

3. See how Mary holds her Son,

Jesus Christ, the Holy One.

Joseph guards with tender care.

Peace and gladness fill the air.

Stars and angels shine His light.

Find the way to Bethlehem tonight.

Find your way this holy Christmas night.

Words by Jan Pinborough

Music by Rachel P. Mohlman

© 2015 by Rachel P. Mohlman and Jan Pinborough. All rights reserved. This song may be copied for incidental, noncommercial church or home use. This notice must be included on each copy made.
