Samuel the Lamanite

Samuel the Lamanite

Samuel the Lamanite came to the Nephites

To warn them that they must repent.

He climbed to the top of a very tall wall,

And he told them why he was sent.

1. “Five years from now the Son of God

will be born upon the earth.

A new star will shine, the day will not end

As signs that our Lord will come

As signs that our Lord will come.”

2. They threw large stones, shot arrows at him,

and he jumped from the wall and fled.

But five years from then the signs came to pass.

Christ came to redeem all men

Christ came to redeem all men.

Samuel the Lamanite came to the Nephites

To warn them that they must repent.

He climbed to the top of a very tall wall,

And he told them why he was sent.

Lynn S. Lund

Mabel Jones Gabbott

Copyright © 1988 by Mabel Jones Gabbott and Lynn S. Lund. All rights reserved. Making copies of this music for use within the Church is permitted. This notice must be included on each copy made.
