That Night in the Stable

That Night in the Stable


1. That night in the stable it must have been chilly,

So I would have cradled and warmed Baby Jesus,

warmed Baby Jesus as His love warms me.

2. That night in the stable it must have been bright there,

with Bethlehem’s starlight around Baby Jesus,

Brightening Jesus as He brightens me.

3. That night in the stable it must have been peaceful

as Mary so lovingly held Baby Jesus,

loving Lord Jesus, and He, too, loves me.

Words by Val C. Wilcox

Music by Janice Kapp Perry

Copyright © 1997 by Val C. Wilcox and Janice Kapp Perry. All rights reserved. This song may be copied for incidental, noncommercial home or church use. This notice must be included on each copy made.
