My Power to Choose

My Power to Choose


1. Before the world began, we gathered in a family.

And we shouted for joy as we chose the Father’s plan

through the gift of agency.

Agency means that I can choose my path as a part of God’s plan.

The way I use my power to choose is shaping the person I am.

2. I’m choosing ev’ry day to be the best I can be.

As I learn for myself how to follow Jesus Christ,

I can feel Him guiding me.

Agency means that I can choose my path as a part of God’s plan.

The way I use my power to choose is shaping the person I am.

3. And when I make a wrong choice, I know my Savior still loves me.

I will choose to repent and help others on their way.

I will use my agency!

Agency means that I can choose my path as a part of God’s plan.

The way I use my power to choose is shaping the person I am.

Words and music by Nathan Howe

© 2021 by Nathan Howe. All rights reserved. This song may be copied for incidental, noncommercial church or home use. This notice must be included on each copy made.
