O Le Faataitaiga a le Faaola o le Usiusitai
Aperila 2015

O Le Faataitaiga a le Faaola o le Usiusitai

O Lana faataitaiga ua seti ai le mamanu mo i tatou uma e mulimuli ai.

Photograph of actor portraying Jesus Christ in the Bible Videos.

“Mai lesona uma ua tatou aoaoina mai le soifuaga o le Faaola, e leai se lesona ua sili ona manino ma mamana nai lo le lesona o le usiusitai,” na aoao mai ai Elder Robert D. Hales o le Korama a Aposetolo e Toasefululua i le konafesi aoao ia Aperila 2014. O le faataitaiga a le Faaola ua aoao mai ai i tatou e le gata i le pe aisea e taua ai le usiusitai i le Tama Faalelagi ae faapea foi le pe mafai faapefea ona tatou usiusitai. A o e iloiloina faataitaiga nei mai Lana galuega, mafaufau pe mafai faapefea ona e faatulagaina se ala mo oe e te mulimuli ai i lou olaga.

112 x 60" painting of Christ being baptized in the River Jordan by John the Baptist.

1. E ui ina sa leai se agasala a Iesu, ae sa gauai atu o Ia ina ia papatisoina “ia faataunuu ai le amiotonu uma” (Mataio 3:13–17; tagai foi 2 Nifae 31:4–7; Ioane 3:5).

Jesus Christ (depicted at age twelve) in the Temple in Jerusalem. Numerous doctors of Jewish law are gathered around Christ. The doctors are listening in astonishment at the wisdom of the young Christ. (Luke 2:41-50)

2. Ina ua 12 ona tausaga, ina ua maua atu e Iosefa ma Maria ia Iesu o aoao atu i totonu o le malumalu, sa Ia “gauai atu ia te i la’ua,” ma sa toe foi atu ma le usiusitai i le fale faatasi ma i la’ua (tagai Luka 2:42–51).


3. E ui ina sa ole atu o Ia pe mafai ona aveese le ipu mai ia te Ia, ae sa gauai atu o Ia i puapuaga i le Faatoaga o Ketesemane (tagai Mataio 26:36–44; Luka 22:39–54).


4. Sa Ia tausia le Sapati ma sa auai atu i sauniga i le sunako (tagai Luke 4:16–44).


5. Sa gauai atu Iesu ina ia faamasinoina e tagata ina ia faataunuu ai le galuega ma le mamalu o le Tama (tagai Isaia 53:7; Mataio 26:53; Mose 1:39).


6. Sa Ia faamaeaina Lana galuega i le faatagaina o tagata amioleaga e faasatauro o Ia (tagai Mataio 27:35; Ioane 10:17–18; Kalatia 1:3–5).

Jesus Christ depicted in the midst of people of varying races or nationalities. Christ is portrayed in white robes. He has His arms extended toward the people gathered around Him. Light emanates from the figure of Christ. The background behind the other figures is dark. The artist used the dark background to symbolize the power of Satan in the world. The light around Christ is symbolic of the protection and safety found in following Christ. (Doctrine and Covenants 1:36)

7. Sa usiusitai pea lava i Lona Tama, o lea sa afio atu ai Iesu i le lalolagi o agaga ma faatulaga ai le galuega faafaifeautalai iina (tagai 1 Peteru3:18–20; 4:6).

Christ standing on a rocky ledge as He rebukes Satan who appears below Him. The painting depicts the event wherein Satan tried to tempt Christ after Christ's forty day fast in the wilderness. Christ is commanding Satan to depart from His presence.

8. Na faaosoosoina Iesu e Satani, peitai e lei gauai atu i ai o Ia (tagai Mataio 4:1–11; MF&F 20:22).

Joseph Smith, Jr. depicted kneeling in the Sacred Grove during the First Vision. A ray of light can be seen coming from the sky down through the trees toward Joseph.

9. Na faaauau pea ona Ia faia le finagalo o Lona Tama ma faatonutonu le Ekalesia (tagai Iosefa Samita—Talafaasolopito 1:16–17; MF&F 19:2, 24).
