Many Names of Jesus

Many Names of Jesus


1. Jesus said that He would be my Shepherd.

Jesus said that I would be His lamb.

He calms my fears with tender words of comfort,

So when He calls, I’ll gladly follow Him.

So many names of Jesus,

So many ways to know Him,

And ev’ry name means “I love you.”

2. Jesus is my Friend; He’s like no other.

Jesus is the Son, the Bread of Life.

With Him, I’m not afraid; He is my Brother.

He knows my heart. He helps me choose the right.

So many names of Jesus,

So many ways to know Him,

And ev’ry name means “I love you.”

3. Jesus said that He would be my Savior.

Jesus said that He would be my Light.

He made the stars, the oceans–my Creator,

Redeemer, Lord, the Way, the Truth, the Life.

So many names of Jesus,

So many ways to know Him,

And ev’ry name means “I love you.”

The Prince of Peace,

the King of Kings,

Jesus Christ salvation brings.

Words by Jan Pinborough

Music by Michael F. Moody

© 2017 by Jan Pinborough and Michael Moody. All rights reserved.

This song may be copied for incidental, noncommercial church or home use.

This notice must be included on each copy made.
