Jesus’ Church Has Been Restored

Jesus’ Church Has Been Restored

With conviction

1. Jesus blessed the children when He walked in Galilee.

He brought a young girl back to life.

He blessed the blind to see.

But some forgot! His Church was lost with its authority.

Now priesthood pow’r is back on earth to bless a child like me.

Now gospel truths are back once more,

For Jesus’ Church has been restored.

2. Heav’nly Father and His Son came to the Sacred Grove.

They brought the Church to earth again so all could feel Their love.

Moroni and Elijah came

and Peter, James, and John

With precious keys and blessings that for centuries were gone.

Now gospel truths are back once more,

For Jesus’ Church has been restored.

3. Temples all around the world, Apostles, revelation:

These are all part of God’s great gift—the gospel’s restoration.

The sacrament I take each week, baptism, confirmation:

I’m thankful for God’s gift to me—the gospel’s restoration.

Now gospel truths are back once more,

For Jesus’ Church has been restored.

Words by Jan Pinborough

Music by Michael F. Moody

© 2016 by Jan Pinborough and Michael F. Moody. All rights reserved.

This song may be copied for incidental, noncommercial church or home use.
