Seminaries and Institutes
Acts 19-20: Priesthood Authority and Paul’s Third Missionary Journey

“Acts 19-20: Priesthood Authority and Paul’s Third Missionary Journey,” New Testament Seminary Student Study Guide (2003)

“Acts 19-20,” New Testament Student Study Guide

Acts 19–20

Priesthood Authority and Paul’s Third Missionary Journey

Have you ever wondered how Heavenly Father feels about those who baptize and perform other ordinances in His name without having the proper priesthood authority? Is there a difference between those whom God has called and those who call themselves? Acts 18:23–21:17 shows how the differences were apparent in Paul’s third missionary journey, when he traveled to Ephesus, Greece, Miletus, and other places.

Studying the Scriptures

Do one of the following activities (A–D) as you study Acts 19–20.

  1. Be a Detective

    Paul met some disciples who said they had already been baptized (see Acts 19:1–7). After he had questioned them, however, he determined that they needed to be baptized again. Study those verses and figure out which of the options below is the best explanation for why Paul baptized them again (see also D&C 22):

    1. Paul did not believe that John the Baptist had the authority to baptize.

    2. Those disciples were baptized in the manner that John the Baptist baptized, but by someone who did not have the proper authority.

    3. When John baptized them he forgot to tell them about Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost, so Paul baptized them again.

  2. How Essential Is Priesthood Authority?

    Review the events Luke recorded in Acts 19:1–17. Explain how Paul’s actions showed that priesthood authority is required to perform all priesthood ordinances.

  3. Sleeping in Church

    In Acts 20:1–12 we read about what happened to a young man who fell asleep while Paul was speaking. If you were a local news reporter, what would you write about that event for the paper? Consider how that event must have shocked the congregation. Be sure your article is based on the facts in this passage.

  4. Paul’s Farewell Speech

    When missionaries leave the area in which they have served on their mission, they say farewell to people they have labored with, taught the gospel to, and grown to love. Paul’s farewell speech to the people he was leaving was somewhat different from a regular farewell.

    1. Read Acts 20:17–38 and describe how Paul’s farewell speech was different from other missionary farewells.

    2. Choose at least two principles that Paul taught in these verses that impressed you and explain why.

    3. Select an appropriate Church hymn for that kind of a farewell and tell why you chose it.
