Seminaries and Institutes
John 13: ‘Love One Another’

“John 13: ‘Love One Another’” New Testament Seminary Student Study Guide (2003)

“John 13,” New Testament Student Study Guide

John 13

“Love One Another”

The events in John 13 occurred the evening before Jesus was crucified. John’s testimony of what Jesus did and said that evening is recorded in this chapter and continues through John 17. Because Jesus knew what was about to happen, He gave His disciples teachings He thought they should have before He died. What He said to and about His disciples in those days also applies to His disciples today.

Other Accounts of What You Read in John 13

John 13:18–30Matthew 26:21–25; Mark 14:18–21; Luke 22:21–23

John 13:36–38Matthew 26:33–35; Mark 14:29–31; Luke 22:31–34

Studying the Scriptures

Do activities A and B as you study John 13.

  1. How Is It Different? How Can It Make a Difference?

    1. Consider what Jesus did in John 13:1–17 and write about the ways Jesus taught the disciples about leadership that are different from what the world usually describes as leadership.

    2. Write about a time when one of your Church leaders or someone in the scriptures acted in the way Jesus taught His disciples to act.

  2. The True Test

    1. According to John 13:34–35, how can others know if we are disciples of Jesus Christ?

    2. Suggest some specific ways a person who is trying to be a true disciple of Christ (according to what Jesus said in John 13:34–35) might respond in the following situations:

      1. There is a person at your school no one really likes because this student says and does things that keep him or her from fitting in and being accepted by other students and dresses in ways that are the object of jokes and teasing.

      2. You see a new person at Church.
