Seminaries and Institutes
2 Timothy 1-2: Endure Hardness

“2 Timothy 1-2: Endure Hardness,” New Testament Seminary Student Study Guide (2003)

“2 Timothy 1-2,” New Testament Student Study Guide

2 Timothy 1–2

Endure Hardness

Do you know anyone involved in the military, sports, farming, or ranching? As you read 2 Timothy 1–2, notice how Paul compared living the gospel to a war, an athletic contest, and the harvesting of crops. Why do you think Paul used these comparisons?

Studying the Scriptures

Do activity A or B as you study 2 Timothy 1–2.

  1. Spiritual Soldiers, Athletes, and Farmers

    Make three columns in your notebook and label them with the words Soldier, Athlete, and Farmer.

    1. Read 2 Timothy 2:1–6 and list in the columns what each person is to do (for example, the soldier is to “endure hardness”).

    2. Write a paragraph describing why you think soldiers, athletes, and farmers are good comparisons to use in a talk about developing spirituality.

  2. In Your Own Words

    Read 2 Timothy 2:22–26 and write a short paragraph explaining why you think these verses are important to you today.
