Seminaries and Institutes
Luke 3: John Baptizes the Son of God

“Luke 3: John Baptizes the Son of God,” New Testament Seminary Student Study Guide (2003)

“Luke 3,” New Testament Student Study Guide

Luke 3

John Baptizes the Son of God

John the Baptist and Jesus were cousins (see Luke 1:36), and John was just six months older than Jesus. He was sent to prepare the way for the mission of Jesus Christ. As you study Luke 3, look for what John taught the people and the ways it would help them be ready to hear the Savior. Be sure to read the Joseph Smith Translation additions to this chapter, which tell us more about the mission of Jesus Christ.

Other Accounts of What You Read in Luke 3

Luke 3:1–22Matthew 3; Mark 1:2–11

Luke 3:23–38Matthew 1:1–17

Studying the Scriptures

Do the three following activities (A–C) as you study Luke 3.

  1. John Prepares the Way

    1. Review Luke 3:7–14 and list the “fruits worthy of repentance” that John told the people to “bring forth” (v. 8).

    2. Write about how each of these fruits would help us prepare to meet the Savior.

  2. What Should We Do?

    After John the Baptist taught the people that every tree that would not grow good fruit would be cut down and “cast into the fire” (Luke 3:9), the people asked, “What shall we do then?” (v. 10). John then gave some examples of what it meant to bring forth good fruit.

    1. List what John suggested for:

      1. People with food and clothing

      2. Publicans

      3. Soldiers

    2. Based on what John taught, write what you think he would suggest today for:

      1. Teenagers at school

      2. Children living with their parents

      3. Parents

  3. Choose a Symbol

    1. Explain what each of the following words found in Luke 3:7–18 could symbolize in the message or mission of John the Baptist: vipers, stones, fruit, roots, shoes, wheat.

    2. Choose one of the above symbols that people you know would be least likely to relate to. Think of a different symbol that people in your area might better understand. Describe how you would use it to teach a principle John taught.
