Seminaries and Institutes
Mark 8: ‘How Is It That Ye Do Not Understand?’

“Mark 8: ‘How Is It That Ye Do Not Understand?’” New Testament Seminary Student Study Guide (2003)

“Mark 8,” New Testament Student Study Guide

Mark 8

“How Is It That Ye Do Not Understand?”

Have you ever misunderstood the meaning of what someone said and then felt foolish about it when it was explained to you because it was so obvious? In Mark 8 Jesus’ disciples seem to have had an experience like that. The disciples may not have always understood Jesus, but they had faith in Him. This is an important idea in this chapter. Unlike the Pharisees who demanded a sign to prove to them what they did not understand, the disciples had faith and were receptive to the influence of the Holy Spirit. Consider what you can learn from Mark 8 to strengthen your understanding and testimony of Jesus Christ.

Other Accounts of What You Read in Mark 8

Mark 8:1–10Matthew 15:32–39

Mark 8:11–21Matthew 16:1–12

Mark 8:27–38Matthew 16:13–27; Luke 9:18–26

Studying the Scriptures

Do activity A as you study Mark 8.

  1. Same and Different

    1. List the ways the miracle described in Mark 8:22–26 is either the same as or different from other miracles you have read about in the New Testament (for example, compare Matthew 20:30–34).

    2. What spiritual message could you learn from the miracle recorded in Mark 8:22–26?
