Seminaries and Institutes
Mark 7: What Defiles a Man?

“Mark 7: What Defiles a Man?” New Testament Seminary Student Study Guide (2003)

“Mark 7,” New Testament Student Study Guide

Mark 7

What Defiles a Man?

Traditions can be an important unifying influence in families and other groups. But when traditions become more important than, or replace, or are out of harmony with gospel principles, then those traditions work against the Lord’s plan of happiness. In New Testament times, certain traditions of the Jews were more important in their religion than the laws of God they were based on. Most of Mark 7 tells what Jesus said and did about some of those traditions of the elders. You may also want to read again the introductions to Matthew 12 and 15 in this study guide (pp. 20, 23) before you read Mark 7.

Other Accounts of What You Read in Mark 7

Mark 7Matthew 15:1–31

Studying the Scriptures

Do activity A as you study Mark 7.

  1. Make a Comparison

    1. Using what you read in Mark 7:1–23, explain the difference between what the Pharisees considered unclean and what Jesus considered unclean.

    2. Read 3 Nephi 27:19–20 and explain why it is important to understand what Jesus said about being clean or unclean and what we must do if we are unclean.
