undefined undefined Mark 6: Who Is This Man Jesus?
Seminaries and Institutes
Mark 6: Who Is This Man Jesus?

“Mark 6: Who Is This Man Jesus?” New Testament Seminary Student Study Guide (2003)

“Mark 6,” New Testament Student Study Guide

Mark 6

Who Is This Man Jesus?

The miracles Jesus performed were remarkable, but most of the people did not understand who Jesus really was. In Mark 6 we read about how He was thought of by the people of His hometown; by the ruler, Herod; and by His own disciples, who still misunderstood Him. Think about your testimony of Jesus as you read this chapter and imagine how you might have tried to help people understand Jesus if you had been there when the events in Mark 6 occurred.

Other Accounts of What You Read in Mark 6

Mark 6:1–6Matthew 13:54–58

Mark 6:7–13Matthew 10; Luke 9:1–6

Mark 6:14–15Matthew 14:1–2; Luke 9:7–9

Mark 6:17–29Matthew 14:3–12; Luke 3:19–20

Mark 6:30–56Matthew 14:13–36; Luke 9:10–17; John 6:1–21

Studying the Scriptures

Do two of the following activities (A–C) as you study Mark 6.

  1. Jesus Returns to His Hometown

    1. According to Mark 6:1–6, how was Jesus received when He returned to “his own country,” meaning His home town of Nazareth?

    2. What blessings were withheld from those people because of their attitude? (see v. 5).

    3. How can this story apply to our dealings with local and general Church leaders today?

  2. Responding to Guilt

    1. In Mark 6:14–28, what did Herod do that might show he felt guilty about something?

    2. How did Herodias respond to her guilt?

    3. What should we do when we experience guilt for our sins?

    4. Compare what happens when we try to cover our guilt and sins (see D&C 121:37) to what happens when we humble ourselves and repent (see Enos 1:4–8; Mosiah 4:2–3).

  3. Learning about the Savior

    List two things you learn about the character, nature, or power of Jesus from the story in Mark 6:31–44.