Seminaries and Institutes
Acts 2: A Day of Testimony

“Acts 2: A Day of Testimony,” New Testament Seminary Student Study Guide (2003)

“Acts 2,” New Testament Student Study Guide

Acts 2

A Day of Testimony

Is there a holiday that brings back special memories for you? For the Apostles, the Jewish Feast of Pentecost (see Bible Dictionary, “feasts,” p. 673) became a memorable one. During the Feast of Pentecost following the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, the Apostles experienced a marvelous manifestation of the Holy Ghost. Those watching “were all amazed and marvelled” (Acts 2:7) at what they saw. Through the Spirit, the Apostles were able to preach the gospel to the Jews who had come to Jerusalem from many different countries, even though the people spoke many different languages. Peter explained that it fulfilled the prophecy in Joel 2:28–32 regarding the Spirit coming as a blessing to all. That day he testified to the people that Jesus is the Christ and invited those listening to accept baptism. About three thousand accepted the invitation and were baptized into the Church.

Studying the Scriptures

Do two of the following activities (A–D) as you study Acts 2.

  1. Be a News Reporter

    The events of that day of Pentecost were remarkable. Imagine you are watching the events described in Acts 2:1–16 as a news reporter. Write an article for the evening paper describing who was involved and what happened.

  2. A Fulfillment of Prophecy

    Review Acts 2:6–21 and answer the following questions:

    1. Why do you think some who heard the Apostles thought they were drunk?

    2. What explanation did Peter give about their behavior?

    3. What did the Apostles do that fulfilled the prophecy in Joel 2:28–32?

    4. When will Joel’s prophecy again be fulfilled? (see Joseph Smith–History 1:41).

    Write about a time when you felt an outpouring of the Spirit in your life.

  3. A Change in Peter

    1. Compare Peter’s actions in Acts 2:22–36 with those in John 18:25–27. Describe how he changed and tell what you think caused the change.

    2. How did the events of that Pentecost begin to fulfill the Lord’s promise in Acts 1:4–5, 8?

    3. Read Peter’s bold testimony of Jesus Christ. Choose two ideas from his testimony that are most important to you and explain why.

  4. “What Should We Do?”

    Many who heard Peter believed his testimony of Christ and asked what they should do. Peter told them to repent and be baptized. About three thousand people joined the Church that day.

    Suppose you had a friend who expressed an interest in the Church. Write a letter to your friend to help him or her understand how and why we should follow Jesus Christ and how we become a member of His Church. In it use what Peter said in Acts 2:37–40 and put it into your own words.
