Seminaries and Institutes
1 Corinthians 15-16: The Doctrine of Resurrection

“1 Corinthians 15-16: The Doctrine of Resurrection,” New Testament Seminary Student Study Guide (2003)

“1 Corinthians 15-16,” New Testament Student Study Guide

1 Corinthians 15–16

The Doctrine of Resurrection

Has someone you love died? How did you feel when it happened? Jesus Christ overcame death through His atoning sacrifice. Because of His gift, death is temporary. All mankind will be resurrected and enjoy immortality.

In Paul’s time, some questioned the reality of Christ’s Resurrection. As you read 1 Corinthians 15–16, look for Paul’s powerful testimony of the reality of the Resurrection, as well as doctrinal truths about the three degrees of glory and ordinance work performed in temples in behalf of those who have died.

Studying the Scriptures

Do two of the following activities (A–C) as you study 1 Corinthians 15.

  1. Scripture Mastery—1 Corinthians 15:20–22

    List a scripture chain that starts at 1 Corinthians 15:20–22. Use your Bible Dictionary, and the index in your triple combination to find at least five additional scriptures that explain that everyone will be resurrected. You may want to write these cross references in the margin of your scriptures.

  2. Scripture Mastery—1 Corinthians 15:29

    Interview someone who has been to the temple to do baptisms for the dead. (If you have had this opportunity you can write about your own experience.) Write answers to the following questions:

    1. What did you enjoy the most about doing baptisms for the dead?

    2. How will your service benefit the dead?

    3. Why do you think baptism for the dead is such an important doctrine?

  3. Scripture Mastery—1 Corinthians 15:40–42

    Write three questions that you think a nonmember might ask a missionary about the Resurrection or the three degrees of glory. Then write answers to the questions, using verses from 1 Corinthians 15 in your answers.
