Seminaries and Institutes
Luke 20: They Sought to Destroy Him

“Luke 20: They Sought to Destroy Him,” New Testament Seminary Student Study Guide (2003)

“Luke 20,” New Testament Student Study Guide

Luke 20

They Sought to Destroy Him

The events in Luke 20 took place during the last week of the Savior’s mortal life. As you read it, consider the following questions: Why did the Jewish leaders want to destroy Jesus? What claims did Jesus make that angered them? Why might those people have felt that way, especially considering the love, compassion, and joy Jesus offered during His ministry? What can I learn from the Savior’s example about how to handle those who oppose the kingdom of God?

Other Accounts of What You Read in Luke 20

Luke 20:1–8Matthew 21:23–27; Mark 11:27–33

Luke 20:9–19Matthew 21:33–46; Mark 12:1–12

Luke 20:20–39Matthew 22:15–33; Mark 12:13–27

Luke 20:40–47Matthew 22:41–23:15; Mark 12:34–40

Studying the Scriptures

Do activities A and B as you study Luke 20.

  1. Be a News Reporter

    Imagine that you are a news reporter assigned to follow Jesus during the events of Luke 20. You are not one of His followers, but you are not His enemy either. Write a story about the events you would have witnessed as if it were for the next day’s paper. Include a headline you think would get your readers’ attention.

  2. Do a Scripture Search

    Read Luke 20:9–18 and the “Understanding the Scriptures” section for those verses. It may help to use the Topical Guide or Bible Dictionary as you complete this activity.

    1. From the Old Testament, look for and list the names of any three prophets who were treated like the three servants in the parable.

    2. Find a New Testament verse that shows Jesus was treated like the heir in this parable was treated.
