Seminaries and Institutes
Mark 16: ‘He Is Not Here’

“Mark 16: ‘He Is Not Here’” New Testament Seminary Student Study Guide (2003)

“Mark 16,” New Testament Student Study Guide

Mark 16

“He Is Not Here”

Mark 15:40–41 tells of a special group of women who were devoted followers of Jesus. It must have been very difficult for them to watch someone they had come to reverence and love suffer so, especially when we do not know how much they understood about the Resurrection. Although Jesus had spoken about resurrection to His followers, they did not seem to have understood (see Mark 9:31–32). Because of their devotion, these women stayed at the cross until Jesus died, and they followed to see where He was buried (see Mark 15:47). They could not do anything for Jesus’ body or His tomb on the Sabbath, but they went there at the earliest moment the day following the Sabbath. As you read Mark 16, try to imagine what they may have thought and felt.

Other Accounts of What You Read in Mark 16

Mark 16:1–8Matthew 28:1–8; Luke 24:1–12; John 20:1–10

Mark 16:9–11Matthew 28:9–10; John 20:11–18

Mark 16:12–13Luke 24:13–35

Mark 16:14–18Matthew 28:16–20; Luke 24:44–49

Mark 16:19–20Luke 24:50–53

Studying the Scriptures

Do activity A or B as you study Mark 16.

  1. What Would You Have Said?

    Imagine that you saw and did what those faithful women saw and did, as written of in Mark 15:40–41, 47; 16:1–11. Write what you would say to a friend who doubted Jesus Christ’s Resurrection. Explain to this friend how you felt and why you acted as you did over those three days.

  2. Give Examples

    1. Read Mark 16:14–18. When Jesus appeared to His disciples, what did He tell them to do? What did He promise them?

    2. Write about at least one example in our day of the fulfillment of the signs Jesus promised. If you do not know of any, speak with your parents, your local Church leaders, or a returned missionary.
