Seminaries and Institutes
Matthew 15: What Is Clean and Unclean?

“Matthew 15: What Is Clean and Unclean?” New Testament Seminary Student Study Guide (2003)

“Matthew 15,” New Testament Student Study Guide

Matthew 15

What Is Clean and Unclean?

The traditions of the elders, discussed earlier, was a system of complicated additions to the law of Moses that Jewish leaders developed over the years. Although the leaders’ intentions were good, these additions eventually became more important to the Jews than the law itself—certainly more important than the spirit of the law. One of these additions to the law involved ceremonial washings before eating a meal. It was not simply washing for health reasons, but there were specific ways to wash determined by Jewish leaders. When the disciples of Jesus were accused of breaking this tradition of the elders, Jesus used it as a teaching opportunity. As you read, look for what Jesus said were the true principles the Jews had missed by concentrating on their traditions. Look for other miracles Jesus performed as you read Matthew 15.

Other Accounts of What You Read in Matthew 15

Matthew 15:1–31Mark 7:1–37

Matthew 15:32–39Mark 8:1–10

Studying the Scriptures

Do activity A as you study Matthew 15.

  1. Explain Key Words and Phrases

    Briefly explain what each of the following words or phrases had to do with the events in Matthew 15:

    1. “Tradition of the elders” (see vv. 2–9)

    2. Defile, or defileth (see vv. 2–20)

    3. Lips, heart, and mouth (see vv. 7–11, 17–20)

    4. Dogs (see vv. 22–28)

    5. Compassion (see vv. 32–39)

    6. Loaves and fishes (see vv. 32–39)
