Seminaries and Institutes
1 Timothy 1-2: Living the Gospel

“1 Timothy 1-2: Living the Gospel,” New Testament Seminary Student Study Guide (2003)

“1 Timothy 1-2,” New Testament Student Study Guide

1 Timothy 1–2

Living the Gospel

What is unique about those who follow Jesus Christ? What simple principles do they follow that make such a difference in their lives? Paul counseled Timothy on how to live a gospel-centered life. As you read 1 Timothy 1–2, think about how following Paul’s counsel can help you as you strive to follow the Savior.

Studying the Scriptures

Do activities A and B as you study 1 Timothy 1–2.

  1. Make a “To Do” List

    Make two columns in your notebook. Label one column To Do and the other Not to Do. Read 1 Timothy 1–2 and list at least ten things in the appropriate columns that we are to do or not do. The “Understanding the Scriptures” section for 1 Timothy 1–2 may also be helpful.

  2. A Fashion Statement

    1. Read 1 Timothy 2:9–10 and look for how Paul counseled women to dress. If Paul were to come to your school today, what clothing styles or fashion trends do you think he would condemn? (List at least five.)

    2. The scriptures teach us about the Lord’s expectations for how we dress. Read 1 Nephi 13:7–8; Jacob 2:13; Alma 1:6; 4:6; 5:53; 31:27–28; 4 Nephi 1:24; Mormon 8:36–37; and Doctrine and Covenants 42:40. Summarize what you think these verses teach us. How well does your summary match the guidelines in the For the Strength of Youth pamphlet?
