Seminaries and Institutes
Luke 11: Be Full of Light

“Luke 11: Be Full of Light,” New Testament Seminary Student Study Guide (2003)

“Luke 11,” New Testament Student Study Guide

Luke 11

Be Full of Light

What does the word sincere mean to you? How does sincerity compare with hypocrisy? The Savior’s teachings can have power in our lives if we will apply them. For example, if we pray with faith and real intent, the Lord will answer our prayers. However, if our prayers are offered just to impress others, they will have little effect.

As you read Luke 11 consider how the Savior’s teachings could bless those who sincerely apply them in their lives. What did Jesus teach about hypocrisy? Why do you think it is important not to just pretend to be righteous?

Other Accounts of What You Read in Luke 11

Luke 11:1–4Matthew 6:9–13

Studying the Scriptures

Do activities A and B as you study Luke 11.

  1. Explain the Parable

    After teaching the disciples how to pray (see Luke 11:1–4), Jesus gave them two short parables to help them understand how prayer works. Read the parables (verses 5–13) and then explain in your own words what they teach us about our prayers.

  2. Woe, Woe, Woe

    “Woe” is an exclamation of grief or anger and is given to condemn the wicked. Make a chart like the following in your notebook, look for the listed five phrases from Luke 11:37–53, and explain why Jesus condemned each action, how you think Jesus would have wanted the people to change, and what people do today that is similar:

    Phrase from Luke 11

    Why did Jesus condemn the action?

    What changes do you think Jesus wanted the people to make?

    What do people do today that is similar?

    “Make clean the outside of the cup” (v. 39)

    “Ye tithe mint and rue” (v. 42)

    “Love the uppermost [best] seats” (v. 43)

    “Lade men with burdens grievous to be borne” (v. 46)

    “Ye build the sepulchres of the prophets” (v. 47)
