Seminaries and Institutes
Acts 4: Peter and John Are Arrested

“Acts 4: Peter and John Are Arrested,” New Testament Seminary Student Study Guide (2003)

“Acts 4,” New Testament Student Study Guide

Acts 4

Peter and John Are Arrested

Do you remember how angry the Jewish rulers were when Jesus performed miracles? Imagine how they felt when the Apostles started performing miracles in Jesus’ name. As you read Acts 4, look for how bold Peter had become. Also think about why the Jewish rulers were so determined to stop Peter and the other Apostles from bearing witness of Jesus Christ.

Studying the Scriptures

Do one of the following activities (A–C) as you study Acts 4.

  1. Apostles Arrested for Healing and Teaching

    Imagine you were with Peter and John when they healed the lame man (see Acts 3:1–11) and when they were arrested (see Acts 4:1–30). Suppose you had a friend in another city who had not heard about what happened. Write a letter to that friend and try to explain it. Be sure to include the following details:

    • The age of the lame man who was healed

    • Why the priests and Sadducees were so upset

    • The question the high priest asked Peter

    • How Peter handled the trial

    • What they told Peter and John to do and how the Apostles responded

    • How you feel about what happened

  2. In Your Own Words

    Peter bore powerful testimony of Jesus Christ even though he knew it might mean he would be put to death. Rewrite Acts 4:8–12, being careful to keep Peter’s original meaning.

  3. They Had “All Things Common” among Them

    Acts 4:31–37 is a look at life in the early Church. The members were “of one heart and of one soul: … they had all things common” (Acts 4:32; see also Acts 2:42–47; “Understanding the Scriptures” section for Acts 2:44, p. 95). Read Acts 4:31–37 and answer the following questions in your notebook:

    1. What qualities did those early Saints possess that made it possible for them to share all that they had with one another?

    2. What blessings did those people enjoy because of their dedication and faith?

    3. Who was in charge of passing out the money and property the Saints contributed?

    4. What do we do in the Church today that can help us prepare to live the law of consecration?

    5. How would you feel if the members of the Church in your area were called to live this way?
