undefined undefined Acts 3: Peter Boldly Preaches Repentance
Seminaries and Institutes
Acts 3: Peter Boldly Preaches Repentance

“Acts 3: Peter Boldly Preaches Repentance,” New Testament Seminary Student Study Guide (2003)

“Acts 3,” New Testament Student Study Guide

Acts 3

Peter Boldly Preaches Repentance

Acts 3 tells of a miracle Peter and John performed that demonstrated the power Jesus had given them. Peter stopped to help a handicapped man begging at the gate of the temple, using the priesthood to heal the man. Notice what Peter boldly declared to the people who gathered to see the man who was healed.

Studying the Scriptures

Do activity A or B as you study Acts 3.

  1. Peter Heals a Lame Beggar

    Review the story of Peter healing the lame beggar in Acts 3:1–11 and answer the following questions:

    1. How did the lame man get to the temple?

    2. What did he want from Peter and John?

    3. How did he feel about the gift Peter gave him instead?

    4. The lame man asked for money and instead was given strength. How is that like the way the Lord sometimes answers your requests?

  2. Peter Testifies of a Higher Power

    Search Acts 3:12–26 and choose what you think are five of the most important phrases in Peter’s testimony to the Jews. Explain why you chose each one.