Seminaries and Institutes
John 8: ‘I Am’

“John 8: ‘I Am’” New Testament Seminary Student Study Guide (2003)

“John 8,” New Testament Student Study Guide

John 8

“I Am”

The events in John 8 occurred during the same Feast of the Tabernacles we read about in John 7. Another symbolic activity of that feast was the lighting of many candles in the temple. This was to remind Israel to be a light to the world. Jesus used this as an opportunity to testify again of who He is. As you read this chapter, think about how Jesus and His teachings are like light and how darkness is an appropriate symbol for sin and unbelief.

Studying the Scriptures

Do three of the following activities (A–D) as you study John 8.

  1. Is Life Fair?

    Read John 8:1–11 and list what seems unfair to you about this story. Make another list of what seems fair to you. Write your feelings about how Jesus Christ has power to make things “fair” in your life.

  2. Hold Up the Light

    Think about what happens when you hold up a burning candle in a dark room. What happens when you cup the flame with your hand? Mark and cross–reference John 8:12 with 3 Nephi 18:24. Explain what the light is and how you can “hold it up.”

  3. Give Examples

    Jesus made two very important statements about freedom and bondage in John 8:32–34. Sometimes others want us to believe that the opposite of what Jesus said is true. We only have to look around, however, to see the truth of what He taught. We especially know it is true if we have lived His teachings (see John 7:17).

    1. Give an example of how what Jesus said in John 8:32 is true in regards to the Word of Wisdom, the law of chastity, or one of the other commandments.

    2. Give an example of how what He said in John 8:34 is true in regards to the same commandment.

  4. Write a Story

    As you read John 8:48–59, look for who the Jewish leaders accused Jesus of being and who Jesus testified that He was. President Thomas S. Monson, then Second Counselor in the First Presidency, said to “be loyal to the royal within you” (in Conference Report, Apr. 1991, 65; or Ensign, May 1991, 48). Think about who you really are and write a brief paragraph about how knowing who He really was gave Jesus courage to face severe persecution.
