Seminaries and Institutes
Revelation 20: The Millennium

“Revelation 20: The Millennium,” New Testament Seminary Student Study Guide (2003)

“Revelation 20,” New Testament Student Study Guide

Revelation 20

The Millennium

When Jesus Christ comes in glory and Babylon is destroyed, it will begin a period in Heavenly Father’s plan for this earth called the Millennium, which is a word meaning “a thousand-year period of time.” Although the word millennium does not appear in Revelation 20, what John wrote clearly describes it.

Studying the Scriptures

Do the following two activities (A–B) as you study Revelation 20.

  1. What Does It Say?

    1. In Revelation there are nearly fifteen chapters describing the last days before the Second Coming of Christ, but only one chapter, chapter 20, describing the Millennium (see the chart “Emphasis in the Book of Revelation,” p. 169). And John’s description of the Millennium does not tell us how the people would live or what they would do. Explain why you think there was so much written about what would take place before the Millennium, but almost nothing about the happenings or activities during the Millennium.

    2. Even though we do not learn much in the book of Revelation about the activities of people during the Millennium, we do learn some very important doctrines regarding this significant era in the earth’s history. List all of the truths relating to the Millennium that you find in Revelation 20. Write them in complete sentences and note the verses in which each truth is stated.

  2. Scripture Mastery—Revelation 20:12–13

    1. List truths from Revelation 20:12–13 you think every person on the earth would want to know before he or she died. Explain why you think one would want to know those things.

    2. What further understanding does 2 Nephi 9:10–16 give us about what happens when the books are opened, as described in Revelation 20:12–13?

    3. Use what you have learned in this activity by choosing one of the following statements and writing what you would say to a person who said it:

      • “If you sin, it is easy to be forgiven and avoid the consequences.”

      • “God loves everyone, so judgment day won’t be so bad.”

      • “Nobody is perfect, and I’m better than a lot of people I know, so why worry about the judgment? It just gets in the way of having some fun.”

      • “What you do doesn’t matter, as long as you don’t hurt others.”
