undefined undefined Revelation 21-22: The Earth Becomes a Celestial World
Seminaries and Institutes
Revelation 21-22: The Earth Becomes a Celestial World

“Revelation 21-22: The Earth Becomes a Celestial World,” New Testament Seminary Student Study Guide (2003)

“Revelation 21-22,” New Testament Student Study Guide

Revelation 21–22

The Earth Becomes a Celestial World

In these final two chapters of the book of Revelation we read what John saw concerning the future of the earth after the Millennium, when it will become a celestial world for those who live on it. He also left us his testimony that the things he saw are true. As you read what John wrote about the celestial kingdom and how wonderful it would be to dwell there, think about what is required to live there. Would obtaining such a glory be worth meeting those requirements?

President Brigham Young gave us a way to think about what is written in Revelation 21–22 when he said, “We talk about our trials and troubles here in this life: but suppose that you could see yourselves thousands and millions of years after you have proved faithful to your religion during the few short years in this time, and have obtained eternal salvation and a crown of glory in the presence of God; then look back upon your lives here, and see the losses, crosses, and disappointments, the sorrows …, you would be constrained to exclaim, ‘But what of all that? Those things were but for a moment, and we are now here. We have been faithful during a few moments in our mortality, and now we enjoy eternal life and glory, with power to progress in all the boundless knowledge and through the countless stages of progression, enjoying the smiles and approbation [favor] of our Father and God, and of Jesus Christ’” (in Journal of Discourses, 7:275).

Studying the Scriptures

Do two of the following activities (A–D) as you read Revelation 21–22.

  1. Design a Poster

    Choose a verse from Revelation 21–22 that you think would make a good poster to display and remind you to stay true to the Lord and His teachings. Explain why that verse would inspire you, and make a small sketch of how you would want the poster to look.

  2. Who Are These People?

    1. Read and compare Revelation 7:9, 13–17 with Revelation 21:1–4 and tell who is a part of the holy city John saw. (You may also want to read Revelation 22:11–14.)

    2. According to Revelation 21:8 and 22:15, who will not be in the Holy City? (Make sure you understand what all of the words in these verses mean.)

  3. Most Impressive

    Speaking of the book of Revelation, Elder Bruce R. McConkie said, “Nowhere in any scripture now had among men are there such pointed and persuasive explanations as to why we must overcome the world, and the attendant blessings that flow therefrom. … Truly the teachings of this inspired work are some of the greatest incentives [motivations] to personal righteousness now found in holy writ” (“Understanding the Book of Revelation,” Ensign, Sept. 1975, 89).

    In support of what Elder McConkie said, write about two or more of the most impressive things you learned from the book of Revelation that inspire and motivate you to live righteously.

  4. “Come, Lord Jesus”

    Read Revelation 22:20. Think of what you have learned during your study of the New Testament and write your testimony of Jesus. Include why you would join in John’s prayer for Jesus to come.