Seminaries and Institutes
Mark 10: True Greatness

“Mark 10: True Greatness,” New Testament Seminary Student Study Guide (2003)

“Mark 10,” New Testament Student Study Guide

Mark 10

True Greatness

Many Jews confused Old Testament prophecies about the first coming of the Messiah with prophecies about His Second Coming. They were looking for a Messiah to come with great power and glory as a conquering king to destroy their enemies. Christ did come to destroy their most important enemies—sin and death—but He would conquer those enemies by His own suffering and death was difficult for most to understand. This was foretold in Isaiah 53. Look for ways Jesus tried to teach these principles in Mark 10.

Other Accounts of What You Read in Mark 10

Mark 10:1–31Matthew 19; Luke 18:15–30

Mark 10:32–52Matthew 20:17–34; Luke 18:31–43

Studying the Scriptures

Do activities A and B as you study Mark 10.

  1. Becoming Great in the Kingdom

    In the story in Mark 10:17–22, a rich young man wanted to know what he could do to inherit eternal life, and in verses 35–45 we read about James and John wanting a place of honor next to the Savior in the eternities.

    1. Compare these two stories of people who desired greatness in the kingdom by making the following chart in your notebook and filling it in with information you find in Mark 10.


      What they did not understand

      What Jesus taught them

      Rich young man (Mark 10:17–22)

      James and John (Mark 10:35–45)

    2. What had Jesus taught in Mark 9:33–37 about what it means to be great?

    3. According to Mark 10:28–30, how does worldly greatness compare to what Jesus Christ offers those who qualify for eternal life?

    4. What does Mark 10:32–34 teach us about the greatness of the Savior?

    5. What could you do in your life to become great in the eyes of God?

  2. Cured of Blindness

    1. List what the man in Mark 10:46–52 did to be healed of blindness.

    2. What does this story teach us about the Savior and what He can do for us?
