Seminaries and Institutes
Acts 17-18: ‘We Are the Offspring of God’

“Acts 17-18: ‘We Are the Offspring of God’” New Testament Seminary Student Study Guide (2003)

“Acts 17-18,” New Testament Student Study Guide

Acts 17–18

“We Are the Offspring of God”

Have you ever tried to share your testimony of Heavenly Father with someone who did not believe in Him at all? Was it difficult to express what you know in terms that person could understand? Paul had a similar experience in ancient Greece when he tried to teach the people that we are the offspring of God. The people there believed in many gods, but they had no idea of a Father in Heaven. Notice how Paul used what they understood to teach them about what they did not understand.

Studying the Scriptures

Do the following activity as you study Acts 17–18.

  1. Paul Teaches of the Unknown God

    When Paul went to Athens he found the Greeks—particularly the Epicureans and Stoics—open to new ideas. Paul preached a sermon about their unknown god and taught them about the one true God of heaven (see Acts 17:16–31).

    1. After reading the “Understanding the Scriptures” section for Acts 17, describe how the truths Paul taught in his sermon corrected some of the false ideas described.

    2. What are some of the false ideas that some people have today that could be corrected by a proper understanding of what God is really like?
