Seminaries and Institutes
Mark 11-12: What Jesus Did and Taught during His Last Week

“Mark 11-12: What Jesus Did and Taught during His Last Week,” New Testament Seminary Student Study Guide (2003)

“Mark 11-12,” New Testament Student Study Guide

Mark 11–12

What Jesus Did and Taught during His Last Week

Mark 11 begins about three years after Jesus’ baptism. Within one week He would be crucified. The events in Mark 11–16 occurred during the week of Passover—a time when Jews from all over gathered to Jerusalem to offer sacrifice at the temple. It was a perfect opportunity for Jesus to give His final testimony to a large number of people as He prepared to offer Himself as the Lamb of God for the redemption of all mankind.

Other Accounts of What You Read in Mark 11–12

Mark 11Matthew 21:1–27; Luke 19:29–48; 20:1–8; John 12:14–19

Mark 12:1–12Matthew 21:33–46; Luke 20:9–19

Mark 12:13–44Matthew 22:15–46; Luke 20:20–47; 21:1–4

topographical map of Jerusalem

Kidron Valley



Mount of Olives

Road to Bethany


Studying the Scriptures

Do two of the following activities (A–D) as you study Mark 11–12.

  1. How Might They Answer?

    Imagine you were able to speak to people in the story in Mark 11:1–11. Write how you think they might have answered the questions directed to them in the following list.

    1. To the two disciples: Why did Jesus give specific instructions about how to get the colt? What did you think about the way you got it?

    2. To the owner of the colt: Why did you let the two disciples of Jesus take your colt?

    3. To one of the people who spread a garment on the road and shouted Hosanna: Who do you think Jesus is? Why do you honor Him?

  2. Interpret the Symbolism

    Carefully consider the story of the fig tree in Mark 11:12–14, 20–23, and the explanation found in the “Understanding the Scriptures” section for Mark 11. What kind of person do you think the fig tree Jesus cursed could represent in our day? Explain how that kind of a person might act or talk.

  3. What Not to Do

    Choose three actions or attitudes demonstrated by Jewish leaders who opposed or questioned Jesus in the stories and teachings of Mark 11:27–12:40. Explain how those actions or attitudes can keep a person from progressing spiritually.

  4. What Is the Message?

    Much of Mark 11–12 records how Jewish leaders confronted Jesus. In Mark 12:41–44 we read about a woman who was not at all like them.

    1. How is the widow an example of what Jesus taught in Mark 12:29–34?

    2. Write the message of Mark 12:44 in your own words and explain what you think Jesus Christ was teaching the people.

    3. Write about something in your life that you could change to better follow the widow’s example of sacrifice and obedience. (It does not have to involve money.)
