Seminaries and Institutes
Mark 13: Signs of the Second Coming

“Mark 13: Signs of the Second Coming,” New Testament Seminary Student Study Guide (2003)

“Mark 13,” New Testament Student Study Guide

Mark 13

Signs of the Second Coming

Less than a week before His crucifixion, the Savior talked about His Second Coming. Some Jews rejected Jesus during His mortal ministry because they did not believe He fulfilled the Old Testament prophecies concerning the coming of the Messiah—especially those that speak of Him coming in glory and judgment. Old Testament prophecies about Christ, however, include signs about both His first and second comings. It must have comforted His disciples to know that although He had fulfilled many prophecies, He would come again and fulfill all things that have been spoken of by the prophets concerning the Messiah. Because much of what Jesus Christ said in Mark 13 is about the last days, we who live in the last days should be especially interested in these scriptures.

The Joseph Smith Translation of Mark 13 is the same as the Joseph Smith Translation of Matthew 24, which is Joseph Smith—Matthew.

Other Accounts of What You Read in Mark 13

Mark 13Matthew 24; Luke 21:5–36; Joseph Smith—Matthew 1

Studying the Scriptures

Do activity A as you study Mark 13.

  1. Watch!

    Jesus told those who follow him to “take heed” or “watch” six times in the sermon recorded in Mark 13 (see vv. 5, 9, 23, 33, 35, 37). List at least three things from this chapter that believers should watch for in order to be prepared to meet the Lord.
