The chief priests, scribes, and elders of the Jews were unable to embarrass Jesus or get Him to make a mistake in front of the people gathered in Jerusalem for the Passover. In reality, the Jewish leaders themselves had been put to shame by Jesus. Some of those corrupt leaders felt that the only way to keep Jesus from becoming an even bigger threat to their position and power was to have Him killed. Jesus knew of their desires and prepared to give His life. Some of the most important events in history are recorded in Mark 14–16. Take your time as you read and ponder the sacred events in these last three chapters of Mark.
In Mark 14:3–11 we read about two people who demonstrated how much they valued the Savior.
How did the woman’s actions show that she valued the Savior more than she valued her money?
How did Judas’ actions show that he valued money more than the Savior?
What are some of the ways in which you show that you love the Savior more than you love your worldly things?
“I Stand All Amazed”
In the hymn “I Stand All Amazed,” we sing of how amazed we are at the love Jesus offers us through His Atonement (see Hymns [1985], no. 193). From Mark 14, choose two things Jesus did that “amaze” you and help you more fully appreciate Him. Write about those two things, telling why they amaze you and deepen your love, respect, and appreciation for the Savior.