Seminaries and Institutes
Luke 10: The Seventy Are Sent Out to Preach

“Luke 10: The Seventy Are Sent Out to Preach,” New Testament Seminary Student Study Guide (2003)

“Luke 10,” New Testament Student Study Guide

Luke 10

The Seventy Are Sent Out to Preach

As the needs of the work increased, Jesus called and ordained Seventy to go out like the Twelve had done. In Luke 10 we read about some of what they were taught and some of their experiences. The pattern of calling the Seventy to assist the Twelve in “building up the church … in all nations” (D&C 107:34) continues in our time. Luke 10 also contains one of the most well known of Jesus’ parables.

Other Accounts of What You Read in Luke 10

Luke 10:1–24Matthew 10:20–27

Studying the Scriptures

Do two of the following activities (A–C) as you study Luke 10.

  1. The Mission of the Seventy

    1. Read Luke 10:1–24 and list ways the mission of the Seventy was similar to the mission of the Twelve Apostles, as recorded in Luke 9:1–6, 10. (You may also want to compare it with the mission of the Twelve as recorded in Matthew 10.)

    2. Read Doctrine and Covenants 107:23, 25, 33–35, 38 and write about the similarities and differences of the responsibilities of a member of the Seventy and a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles today.

  2. Be a Reporter

    Read the parable of the good Samaritan in Luke 10:30–37 and list the three main characters in the story. Imagine that you are a newspaper reporter and are going to report on this event.

    1. Next to the names of each of the three main characters write three questions you would ask him for your newspaper article and the answers you think he might give.

    2. Write a concluding paragraph for the newspaper article to teach the main ideas of this parable and encourage those in your school to be like the good Samaritan.

  3. Read between the Lines

    Carefully read Luke 10:38–42 (see also the “Understanding the Scriptures” section for these verses). Write in your notebook a paragraph explaining what the Savior taught in this story.
