Seminaries and Institutes
Matthew 24: The Second Coming

“Matthew 24: The Second Coming,” New Testament Seminary Student Study Guide (2003)

“Matthew 24,” New Testament Student Study Guide

Matthew 24

The Second Coming

After testifying against the Jewish leaders who had rejected Him, Jesus said that they would not see Him again until He came in glory as prophesied (see Matthew 23:39; Joseph Smith—Matthew 1:1; see also Psalm 118:26, which Jesus quoted in part). Jesus and His disciples went to the Mount of Olives, where one can see the city of Jerusalem—and especially the temple. There He spoke of great destructions that would come to the city and the temple. Because of what Jesus said, His disciples asked Him when the temple would be destroyed, what the signs of His Second Coming would be, and when the end of the world would be (see Matthew 24:3; Joseph Smith—Matthew 1:4), apparently wondering if there was a connection between those three events. The rest of Matthew 24 contains answers Jesus gave to their questions.

The Joseph Smith Translation of Matthew 24 is found in the Pearl of Great Price and is called Joseph Smith—Matthew. Because we have the Prophet’s inspired additions and corrections, the “Understanding the Scriptures” and the “Studying the Scriptures” sections below are based on Joseph Smith—Matthew instead of Matthew 24.

Other Accounts of What You Read in Matthew 24 (and Joseph Smith—Matthew)

Matthew 24 (Joseph Smith—Matthew 1)—Mark 13; Luke 21:5–36

Studying the Scriptures

Do activity A as you study Matthew 24.

  1. Signs and Promises

    Joseph Smith—Matthew 1:4 contains questions Jesus’ disciples asked Him. Verses 5–20 contain the answer Jesus gave to their first question, which concerned the destruction of the temple, and verses 21–55 contain his answer to their other questions concerning His Second Coming and the destruction of the wicked.

    1. Make a chart in your notebook like the one below. Fill it in with information you find in Joseph Smith—Matthew. After each item you list, write the verse number where you found that item.


      Destruction of the temple in Jerusalem (vv. 5–20)

      The Second Coming of Jesus Christ (vv. 21–55)


      Promises to the Righteous

    2. The Second Coming of Jesus Christ worries and even frightens some people. Based on what you read in Joseph Smith—Matthew, what would you say to give hope to a person who feels this way? Refer to specific verses in what you write.
