undefined undefined Galatians 3-6: The Gospel of Faith Came before the Law of Moses
Seminaries and Institutes
Galatians 3-6: The Gospel of Faith Came before the Law of Moses

“Galatians 3-6: The Gospel of Faith Came before the Law of Moses,” New Testament Seminary Student Study Guide (2003)

“Galatians 3-6,” New Testament Student Study Guide

Galatians 3–6

The Gospel of Faith Came before the Law of Moses

Paul reminded the Galatian Saints that Abraham became righteous by having faith in Jesus Christ and through obedience to His gospel long before the law of Moses was given. He taught that when the children of Israel (the ancestors of the Galatian Saints) were brought out of Egypt they were not ready to live the fulness of the gospel, so the law of Moses was given to prepare them for the higher law that Abraham had lived.

By making and keeping the gospel covenants of this higher law, we can become the children of God and be spiritually born again. Notice how God helps us be born again as we seek to “walk in the Spirit” (Galatians 5:16).

Studying the Scriptures

Do activity A and then either activity B or C as you study Galatians 3–6.

  1. The Purpose of the Law of Moses

    Review Galatians 3. If Abraham was able to live righteously without even knowing about the law of Moses, what was the purpose of the law? (see the “Understanding the Scriptures” section for Galatians 3, p. 132, if you need help).

  2. Write Your Own Test Questions

    Using the question in activity A as an example, review Galatians 4–6 and write six more questions (two for each chapter) that you think would be good test questions for those chapters. Be sure to include the correct answer after each question.

  3. How Is Your Spiritual Battle Going?

    Paul taught that the spirit and the flesh are continually struggling against each other. Which one is winning in your life?

    1. In your notebook, draw two columns and label one Works of the Flesh and the other Fruits of the Spirit. Read Galatians 5:16–26 and list the key words and phrases that describe each one. Ponder the lists and determine how your own spiritual war is going.

    2. Read Galatians 6:1–9 and list three things you can do to have more of the fruits of the Spirit to help you in your spiritual battle.