undefined undefined Hebrews 1-2: Greater by Being Lower
Seminaries and Institutes
Hebrews 1-2: Greater by Being Lower

“Hebrews 1-2: Greater by Being Lower,” New Testament Seminary Student Study Guide (2003)

“Hebrews 1-2,” New Testament Student Study Guide

Hebrews 1–2

Greater by Being Lower

Jewish Christians struggled to leave behind some of their old beliefs and traditions and to focus completely on Jesus Christ and His gospel. Consequently, Paul began his letter to them with a powerful testimony that Jesus Christ is greater and has precedence over all things except His Father. As you read Hebrews 1–2, notice what Paul taught about how Jesus obtained His power and why He is above the angels.

Studying the Scriptures

Do activities A and B as you study Hebrews 1–2.

  1. Learn More about Jesus Christ

    1. List at least five things you learned about Jesus from Hebrews 1:1–4 and 2:9–18.

    2. Paul wrote Hebrews to help the Jewish converts increase their faith in Jesus Christ. Which item on your list do you think would mean the most to them? Why?

    3. Explain how you could use something you learned about Jesus from Hebrews 1–2 to correct a misunderstanding that people have about Him today.

  2. Ponder the Role of Jesus Christ

    1. According to Hebrews 2:9–11, why did Jesus allow Himself to be “made a little lower than the angels”? (see the “Understanding the Scriptures” section above for help).

    2. Find what Paul called Jesus in Hebrews 2:10. How might it make a difference if a person thought of Him that way?

    3. Find in Hebrews 2:11 what Jesus is not ashamed to do. How do you feel knowing that?

    4. What does Hebrews 2:14–18 tell us about the importance of Jesus experiencing mortality? (You may want to read Alma 7:11–13 and Hebrews 4:15–16 as you consider this question.)

path to mortality

The Presence of God
