Seminaries and Institutes
Romans 4-5: Faith in Jesus Christ Is the Key to Overcoming Sin

“Romans 4-5: Faith in Jesus Christ Is the Key to Overcoming Sin,” New Testament Seminary Student Study Guide (2003)

“Romans 4-5,” New Testament Student Study Guide

Romans 4–5

Faith in Jesus Christ Is the Key to Overcoming Sin

Consider for a moment your personal weaknesses. Have you ever wondered how you could better overcome the temptations you face? What might you do to improve your relationship with the Lord and have more power to live righteously?

Paul reminded the Jewish Christians that Abraham did not have the law of Moses, yet he was an example of faith and lived a righteous life. The law of Moses was added later because of disobedience. The children of Israel needed to learn to obey that law before they could be trusted with a higher law. Paul taught the people that in every dispensation faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, not the law of Moses, was the key to overcoming sin and living righteously.

Studying the Scriptures

Do activities A and B as you study Romans 4–5.

  1. Abraham, an Example of Faith

    Paul used the example of Abraham to show that faith in God is the beginning of righteousness. Abraham was called righteous even before the law of Moses was given. Write the following sentences in your notebook and complete them as you read Romans 4:9–25:

    1. Abraham was as a of his faith (see v. 11).

    2. The promises to Abraham came as a result of his , not because of the (see v. 13).

    3. God’s promise comes as a because of . This makes it available to (see v. 16).

    4. Jesus Christ died for our , and through His Resurrection we are (see v. 25).

  2. Write Your Testimony

    After reading Romans 5:12–21, write your testimony of Jesus Christ and of His role as your Savior.
