Seminaries and Institutes
John 15: Jesus Is the True Vine

“John 15: Jesus Is the True Vine,” New Testament Seminary Student Study Guide (2003)

“John 15,” New Testament Student Study Guide

John 15

Jesus Is the True Vine

An electric appliance or tool is worthless unless it is plugged into a power source. Jesus Christ told His disciples a parable that taught a similar concept. As you read John 15, ponder why you must—and how you can—“plug into” the Savior’s life, light, and power.

Studying the Scriptures

Do two of the following activities (A–D) as you study John 15.

  1. Draw a Picture

    1. Draw a tree with a branch missing. Draw the branch as if it had been cut from the tree.

    2. What would happen in time to the branch cut from the tree?

    3. What would happen to the fruit on that branch?

    4. On the branches of the healthy side of the tree, write the ways Jesus taught we can have life and be fruitful branches of the Lord (see John 15:2–8, 16).

  2. If …

    In John 15:6–20 is recorded eight “if” clauses given by the Savior. “If” clauses are cause and effect statements. For example, if you keep the commandments, you will be blessed. List each of the eight “if” clauses, along with its effect.

  3. Are You a Friend of the Lord or of the World?

    Compare John 15:9–14 with John 15:18–19, 23–25 and answer the following questions:

    1. What is that greater love, and how does it apply to true friendship?

    2. Why do you think the world, or those who are “of the world,” hate the things of God?

    3. What can you do to be a friend to the Lord?

  4. Missionary Journal

    Imagine you are a missionary and that earlier in the day you and your companion taught a family about baptism. One of them explained that they had already been baptized by immersion by their minister. Some ministers claim they have authority simply because they teach the Bible. Write a journal entry about how you used John 15:16 to teach the family the truth about the proper authority to baptize.
