Seminaries and Institutes
John 19: Jesus Christ Lays Down His Life

“John 19: Jesus Christ Lays Down His Life,” New Testament Seminary Student Study Guide (2003)

“John 19,” New Testament Student Study Guide

John 19

Jesus Christ Lays Down His Life

Roman soldiers made a crown by twisting thorned branches together and putting it upon the Savior’s head. In mockery they proclaimed, “Hail, King of the Jews.” When Pilate presented the scourged figure of the Master to Jewish leaders as their king they cried out, “Away with him … Crucify him.” Yet, Jesus Christ will come again as “King of Kings and Lord of Lords” (Revelation 19:16) and will wipe away death, sorrow, and pain (see Revelation 21:4). As you read the dramatic and touching events recorded in John 19, ask yourself: Why did the Son of God allow such insult and injustice? What does this teach us about His love?

Other Accounts of What You Read in John 19

John 19:1–24Matthew 27:27–36; Mark 15:16–24; Luke 23:23–34

John 19:28–30Matthew 27:46–49; Mark 15:34–37; Luke 23:46

John 19:38–42Matthew 27:57–61; Mark 15:42–47; Luke 23:50–56

Studying the Scriptures

Do two of the following activities (A–C) as you study John 19.

  1. What Would He Say? What Would You Say?

    Imagine you had the opportunity to meet Pilate several years after the events in John 18:28–19:22.

    1. Based on what you read in the scriptures, what do you think he might say about Jesus and His crucifixion after he had some time to look back on it?

    2. If he asked you the same question he asked Jesus in John 18:38, what would you reply?

  2. Learning to Love Others at All Times

    1. Read John 19:25–27 and describe one of the Savior’s concerns while He hung on the cross.

    2. How does this act characterize the life He lived?

  3. Being Disciples of Jesus Christ

    Joseph of Arimathaea and Nicodemus were Jewish leaders and members of the ruling body known as the Sanhedrin (see Bible Dictionary, “Joseph [of Arimathaea],” p. 717). Both were secretly disciples of Jesus.

    1. Read Luke 23:50–51 and John 7:45–53 and describe how each man showed evidence of his discipleship.

    2. Who did the new sepulchre belong to? (see Matthew 27:59–60).

    3. What can you learn about discipleship from Joseph and Nicodemus?
