Seminaries and Institutes
John 5: ‘I Am Come in My Father’s Name’

“John 5: ‘I Am Come in My Father’s Name’” New Testament Seminary Student Study Guide (2003)

“John 5,” New Testament Student Study Guide

John 5

“I Am Come in My Father’s Name”

About a year after Jesus met the woman at the well in Samaria (see John 4), He went back to Jerusalem because it was the time of the Passover again. What Jesus did in the year between those two visits to Jerusalem is recorded in Matthew 5–11 and Luke 6–8. John 5 begins the account of what Jesus said and did during that second Passover at Jerusalem.

Studying the Scriptures

Do one of the following activities (A–B) as you study John 5.

  1. Lessons from a Miracle

    As is true for most of the miracles recorded in the New Testament, we can learn spiritual truths from what Jesus and people who participated in the miracle did or said. The following questions should help you focus on some of the truths that could be learned from the story in John 5:1–16.

    1. What seems to be the reason why Jesus chose that man to be healed? (see vv. 5–6).

    2. What does that teach us about Jesus?

    3. How is the man like all who sin?

    4. How is what Jesus said and did for the man similar to what He can and will do for all who sin and repent?

    5. What did Jesus say could cause something worse than the handicap the man in the story had? (see v. 14).

    6. Write the kinds of things you think the man said when he spoke to the Jews (see v. 15).

  2. Like Father, Like Son

    1. List the truths Jesus taught in John 5:17–47 about Himself and about Heavenly Father.

    2. What impresses you most about what Jesus taught? Why?

    3. How do these teachings show how Jesus and His Father in Heaven could not logically be the same Being?
