Seminaries and Institutes
John 9: Jesus and the Man Born Blind

“John 9: Jesus and the Man Born Blind,” New Testament Seminary Student Study Guide (2003)

“John 9,” New Testament Student Study Guide

John 9

Jesus and the Man Born Blind

Have you ever been lost and without light in the middle of the night? How would you describe your feelings? The Lord’s mission was to bring light to a darkened world. He literally opened the eyes of a man born blind, symbolizing the power of His mission. As you read John 9, look for ways in which people saw only darkness even though “the light of the world” shone upon them.

Studying the Scriptures

Do activities A and B as you study John 9.

  1. A Purpose of Trials

    1. According to what Jesus said in John 9:1–3, why had the man been born blind?

    2. What does His answer teach us about some people’s disabilities?

  2. Who Was Really Blind?

    1. Create three categories on a sheet of paper and label them “Pharisees,” “Parents,” and “Blind Man.” Record words or phrases from John 9:13–38 under each category that show their spiritual blindness or spiritual sight.

    2. Physical blindness is often thought of as a difficult handicap in this life. Similarly, how can spiritual blindness be a handicap?
