Seminaries and Institutes
Luke 12: ‘Seek Ye the Kingdom of God’

“Luke 12: ‘Seek Ye the Kingdom of God’” New Testament Seminary Student Study Guide (2003)

“Luke 12,” New Testament Student Study Guide

Luke 12

“Seek Ye the Kingdom of God”

To follow the Savior we must leave behind the wickedness of the world. Because of the many distractions and temptations, this can be difficult. However, Jesus promises great blessings to those who follow Him. As you read Luke 12 look for what Jesus requires of His disciples and what promises He gives.

Studying the Scriptures

Do two of the following activities (A–C) as you study Luke 12.

  1. Pick a Favorite

    As you read Luke 12, pick out three verses that most impress you and then answer or do the following:

    1. Why did you select each of the verses?

    2. What do you think each of the verses is trying to teach?

    3. Memorize one of the verses, and recite it to a family member, teacher, or friend.

  2. What’s in a Number?

    Read Luke 12:15 and look for what Jesus warned against. Read verses 16–21 and answer the following questions:

    1. How many times is the word I or my used to describe how the rich man felt about the things the Lord had blessed him with?

    2. What does that show about his attitude?

    3. How did the Savior’s parable help teach to “beware of covetousness”?

    4. What can you learn about worldly treasures from this parable?

  3. Finish the Sentence

    Read Luke 12:35–48. Complete the following sentences with information you find there:

    1. Be watchful and prepared for …

    2. If we knew when, then we would …

    3. When the master returns, the servants should be …

    4. The master will return at a time when …

    5. The master will punish those servants who …

    6. Much is expected of …
