Seminaries and Institutes
Luke 15: A Time of Parables

“Luke 15: A Time of Parables,” New Testament Seminary Student Study Guide (2003)

“Luke 15,” New Testament Student Study Guide

Luke 15

A Time of Parables

A parable is a short story that teaches an eternal truth. The parables of Jesus were about ordinary things, but they taught important religious truths. Parables help people understand truth by the power of the Spirit rather than by the power of intellect. Many of the parables in Luke 15–16 teach about the worth of souls, and the responsibility we have to help and bless others.

Studying the Scriptures

Do one of the following activities (A or B) as you study Luke 15.

  1. Complete the Chart

    Copy the following chart in your notebook. Fill it in from the information you find in Luke 15.


    Verses Where Found

    Main Idea

    Modern Example of Parable

    How Were They Helped in the Parable?

    How Could You Help This Type of Lost One Today?

    Lost Sheep

    People wander from the Church and are lost.

    The shepherd left the ninety and nine and rescued the lost sheep.

    Luke 15:8–10

    A careless or rude remark hurts someone’s feelings and that person stops coming to church.

    Prodigal Son

    People rebel and leave the Church.

  2. Write a Letter

    After reading Luke 15, write one of the following types of letters in your notebook. (You may want to mail it to the person you wrote it to after the assignment is returned.) As part of the letter, include at least five verses of scripture you think will help the person who will receive the letter.

    1. A letter to a missionary you know. Express your encouragement and gratitude for the missionary’s service in trying to find those of Heavenly Father’s children who are lost.

    2. A letter to someone you know who is preparing for a mission. Tell what you learned from Luke 15 and how it can help prepare him or her for missionary service.

    3. A letter to yourself that you will seal and not open until you are missionary age. Record the feelings you had from studying Luke 15 and your goals concerning missionary work.
