undefined undefined Luke 18: Treasure in Heaven
Seminaries and Institutes
Luke 18: Treasure in Heaven

“Luke 18: Treasure in Heaven,” New Testament Seminary Student Study Guide (2003)

“Luke 18,” New Testament Student Study Guide

Luke 18

Treasure in Heaven

Do you want to enter the celestial kingdom? Why? What blessings do you believe await you there? What kind of person do you believe you need to become in order to enter therein?

Jesus taught: “Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child shall in no wise enter therein” (Luke 18:17). Each of the stories and parables in Luke 18 centers around the promise that the faithful who follow Jesus’ teachings will enter into heaven. As you read this chapter, look for how each of Jesus’ teachings could help you become childlike and qualify to receive His greatest treasures.

Other Accounts of What You Read in Luke 18

Luke 18:15–30Matthew 19:13–29; Mark 10:13–30

Luke 18:31–34Matthew 20:17–19; Mark 10:31–34

Luke 18:35–43Matthew 20:29–34; Mark 10:46–52

Studying the Scriptures

Do activities A and B as you study Luke 18.

  1. Use Your Own Words

    Read the parable of the unjust judge in Luke 18:1–8 and write in your own words what you think is the main message (see also “Understanding the Scriptures” for Luke 18:1–8).

  2. Make a Comparison

    In Luke 18:1 Jesus taught that we should pray always. In addition, the parable in Luke 18:9–14 teaches us that we should have a certain attitude as we pray. Compare the Pharisee and the tax collector in the parable by duplicating and completing the following chart in your notebook:


    Tax Collector

    What did people think of him?

    What did he think of himself?

    What did he pray for?

    What did Jesus say about each man?

    Read Alma 31:13–20 and 33:3–11. Which do you think best matches each man’s prayer?