Seminaries and Institutes
Luke 7-8: Matters of Faith

“Luke 7-8: Matters of Faith,” New Testament Seminary Student Study Guide (2003)

“Luke 7-8,” New Testament Student Study Guide

Luke 7–8

Matters of Faith

Can people who are not members of the Church have faith in Jesus Christ? Can they also pray and receive blessings, even miracles, from God? As you read Luke 7–8 look for who received blessings and who did not, and ponder what that teaches us about receiving blessings from God.

Other Accounts of What You Read in Luke 7–8

Luke 7:1–10Matthew 8:1–13

Luke 7:18–35Matthew 11:2–19

Luke 8:4–18Matthew 13:1–23; Mark 4:1–25

Luke 8:19–21Matthew 12:46–50; Mark 3:31–35

Luke 8:22–56Matthew 8:18–34; 9:18–26; Mark 4:35–5:43

Studying the Scriptures

Do activity B and two of the others (A, C, or D) as you study Luke 7–8.

  1. Describe His Character

    Read Luke 7:1–10 and list what you think were the centurion’s five most impressive attributes, or character traits. By each of the five items, write a sentence from the scriptures that shows he possessed that attribute or trait.

  2. Follow the Savior’s Example

    Read the story of the widow of Nain in Luke 7:11–17.

    1. Mark verse 13 and ponder what it means to have compassion for someone.

    2. Think of someone in your ward or branch who would be blessed if you showed compassion toward him or her (maybe a widow or widower).

    3. Decide on one act of service that you could do for that person this week and do it.

    4. Write down in your notebook the details of your service and how you felt about it.

  3. Write a Summary

    After carefully reading the story found in Luke 7:36–50:

    1. Write a two-paragraph story that summarizes these verses. Write it in such a way that you could read it to a primary class to help them understand the story better.

    2. Think of one sentence that describes the main message of this passage of scripture. Use that sentence as the title for your story.

  4. Consider a Modern Situation

    Match the following descriptions (a–d) with the four situations that are listed (1–4). You will need to carefully read Luke 8:5–15 to determine the correct answers. In your notebook, write the numbers with the correct letter by each.


    1. Seeds eaten by birds

    2. Seeds on rocky soil

    3. Seeds choked by weeds

    4. Seeds on good soil


    1. Sarah met the missionaries when her bike had a flat tire. They helped her fix it and told her about their missions. She was a busy college student, but she listened to their message, joined the Church, and was an active member. Her roommates began making fun of her, and her boyfriend broke up with her. She felt lonely and stopped going to church so that she could be with her friends.

    2. Tom made fun of the missionaries when they knocked on his door, but they did not argue back. Because they were different, Tom grew curious. He listened to what they taught and became friends with them. He liked them, so he joined the Church. He went to church until the missionaries moved to another community, then he lost interest and stopped attending.

    3. Ann grew up in the Church. She was always active until she met Brian. She loved him and did not care that he was a member of another church. He was not interested in the teachings of the restored gospel and felt Ann was a little foolish in her beliefs. He told her that they could only stay together if she stopped going to church. Ann was sad, but she did as Brian said because she loved him.

    4. Randy’s family joined the Church when he was twelve. He was excited to become a deacon, and his father ordained him. His family did their best to hold family home evenings and never missed having family prayer. They went to church together and often talked about the teachings of the gospel.
