Seminaries and Institutes
Luke 9: The Twelve Apostles Are Sent Out to Preach

“Luke 9: The Twelve Apostles Are Sent Out to Preach,” New Testament Seminary Student Study Guide (2003)

“Luke 9,” New Testament Student Study Guide

Luke 9

The Twelve Apostles Are Sent Out to Preach

Jesus ordained twelve Apostles to assist Him in the work and to carry it forward after His ascension into heaven. In order to accomplish this great task, the Apostles needed power, authority, experience, and knowledge but, as President Thomas S. Monson, a member of the First Presidency, reminded us, “Whom God calls, God qualifies” (in Conference Report, Apr. 1987, 54; or Ensign, May 1987, 44). As you read Luke 9, notice the ways Jesus helped the Twelve to qualify with necessary training and experience. We can feel confident that the Lord will help anyone who receives a calling. He wants us to succeed.

Other Accounts of What You Read in Luke 9

Luke 9:1–6Matthew 10; Mark 6:7–13

Luke 9:7–9Matthew 14:1–2; Mark 6:14–16

Luke 9:10–17Matthew 14:13–21; Mark 9:10–17; John 6:1–14

Luke 9:18–50Matthew 16:13–18:8; Mark 8:27–9:50

Luke 9:57–62Matthew 8:19–22

Studying the Scriptures

Do activity A as you study Luke 9.

  1. Following Jesus

    Based on what you have read in Luke 9:23–27, 57–62, write one or two paragraphs on what it means to truly follow Jesus and why a person would want to do so.
