Seminaries and Institutes
Mark 1: The Beginning of Jesus’ Ministry

“Mark 1: The Beginning of Jesus’ Ministry,” New Testament Seminary Student Study Guide (2003)

“Mark 1,” New Testament Student Study Guide

Mark 1

The Beginning of Jesus’ Ministry

While Matthew recorded many of the words Jesus spoke, Mark emphasized the events in the Savior’s life. Mark seems so anxious to write about Jesus’ ministry that he gives very little historical background, and in the first chapter he begins with what Jesus began doing among the people. Before you move too quickly to chapter 2, take time to ponder on what we learn about Jesus from the stories in chapter 1.

Other Accounts of What You Read in Mark 1

Mark 1:1–11Matthew 3; Luke 3:1–22; John 1:19–34

Mark 1:12–15Matthew 4:1–17; Luke 4:1–15

Mark 1:16–20Matthew 4:18–22; Luke 5:1–11

Mark 1:21–28Luke 4:31–37

Mark 1:29–34Matthew 8:14–17; Luke 4:38–41

Mark 1:35–39Matthew 4:23–25; Luke 4:42–44

Mark 1:40–45Matthew 8:1–4; Luke 5:12–16

Studying the Scriptures

Do one of the following activities (A or B) as you study Mark 1.

  1. Preparing the Way

    Mark began his testimony by describing events that prepared the way for the ministry of Jesus Christ. For each of the following four groups of verses, briefly tell what event Mark described and how you think it helped prepare the way for what would follow in Jesus’ mortal ministry: Mark 1:2–8, 9–11, 12–13, 16–20.

  2. What Can You Learn from a Miracle?

    In Mark 1 we read about three different miracles Jesus performed and notes that He also healed “many” (v. 34). In Mark 1:38, Jesus said that a major purpose of His ministry among the people was to preach the gospel. In that context, think about what we learn about Jesus and His gospel from each miracle He performed. For example, as you study the miracle described in Mark 1:40–44, answer the following questions:

    1. What can you learn from the leper about how to come to the Savior and receive blessings from Him?

    2. What can you learn about the Savior from the way He responded to the leper?

    3. To be leprous was considered “unclean” under the law of Moses. To be sinful is to be spiritually unclean. Read Mark 1:40–44 again, changing the word leper to sinner. What can it teach us about when we have sinned?
