undefined undefined Matthew 11: ‘Come unto Me’
Seminaries and Institutes
Matthew 11: ‘Come unto Me’

“Matthew 11: ‘Come unto Me’” New Testament Seminary Student Study Guide (2003)

“Matthew 11,” New Testament Student Study Guide

Matthew 11

“Come unto Me”

John the Baptist received the important mission to prepare the way for Jesus Christ. He accomplished this mission by (1) preaching the true spirit and meaning of the law of Moses; (2) teaching people to repent, to be baptized, and to prepare to receive further truth and blessings from the coming Messiah; and (3) testifying that Jesus Christ was that promised Messiah. Apparently, some of John’s followers who were very loyal to him were still not sure if Jesus really was the Messiah, or Christ. True prophets always point us toward Christ and encourage us to come unto Him. Look for what John did to help his followers find Jesus and follow Him instead.

Matthew 11 also contains one of the great invitations the Savior Himself made to come unto Him.

Other Accounts of What You Read in Matthew 11

Matthew 11:2–19Luke 7:18–35

Matthew 11:20–24Luke 10:12–15

Matthew 11:25–27Luke 10:21–22

Studying the Scriptures

Do activities A and B as you study Matthew 11.

  1. Report Back

    Matthew 11:1–19 tells about two disciples of John the Baptist who came to see what Jesus did and taught. Jesus told them to go back to John and tell what they saw and heard. Based on what you read in these nineteen verses, write three things you would have told John when you returned if you had been with those two men. Include the miracles you would have seen and the truths you would have heard Jesus teach.

  2. “Come unto Me”

    1. After telling about the punishments that would come upon the wicked who rejected Him (see Matthew 11:20–24), what did Jesus promise in Matthew 11:28–30 to those who learn of and obey Him?

    2. What kinds of labor and heavy burdens do you think Jesus was speaking of in Matthew 11:28?

    3. Some people think that what Jesus asks of us is a burden. From the following list, choose three of what some might consider heavy burdens and explain why you think they are light burdens to those who follow Christ.

      • Paying tithing

      • Attending Church for three hours each week

      • Attending seminary

      • Fasting

      • Serving a mission

      • Staying morally clean